Zariin triples average order value and increases customer engagement by 117% with GoSwirl Live Video Shopping.

Zariin is a DTC luxury jewellery brand that retails in over 21 countries and 200 stores worldwide, including in premier boutiques like Anthropologie and Calypso St. Barth in the United States, and Hankyu department stores in Japan.

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Zariin logo

Designed for the modern woman in daily life, Zariin creates designs that are versatile, striking, and easy to wear. It offers lifetime free repairs to encourage sustainable consumption, occasion-neutral editions as well as custom jewellery for special events. Despite these thoughtful services, Zariin saw high numbers of one-time shoppers but not enough return customers.

As a digital-only brand, creating a lasting bond with customers is harder. In the online space, customers are overwhelmed by distractions and new brands vying for attention and may never return after the first purchase.


Sales conversion


Increase customer engagement


Improve average order value


Reduction in returns


Working with Swirl Live Shopping, Zariin created unique video content that provided an immersive, memorable experience. With the extensive data analysis made possible by Swirl, it was able to retarget one-time shoppers and significantly improve its sales conversion rate by 32%, increase customer engagement by 117%, improve average order value by 3X and saw a 50% reduction in returns rate

Increase your sales significantly.

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